Quality assurance tests

Collection Object issues


These catalogue numbers are too high


SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND LEFT(co.CatalogNumber,7)>(
  SELECT MAX(EndNumber) AS maxnumber
  FROM melnumbers


The part is not a letter


SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND RIGHT(co.CatalogNumber,1) NOT REGEXP '[a-zA-Z]'

Temporal issues


These records were ostensibly cataloged before they were collected



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND co.TimestampCreated>'1992-01-01'
AND date(co.TimestampCreated)<date(ce.StartDate)


These records were apparently determined before they were collected



SELECT DISTINCT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ((d.DeterminedDatePrecision=1 AND d.DeterminedDate<ce.StartDate) OR
  (d.DeterminedDatePrecision=2 AND LEFT(d.DeterminedDate, 7)<LEFT(ce.StartDate, 7)) OR
  (d.DeterminedDatePrecision=3 AND YEAR(d.DeterminedDate)<YEAR(ce.StartDate)))

Preparation issues


These records don't have any preparations



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PreparationID IS NULL


The list of herbaria that have been sent duplicates is in the wrong preparation in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
JOIN preptype pt ON p.PrepTypeID=pt.PrepTypeID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PrepTypeID NOT IN (15,16,17) AND (p.Text1 IS NOT NULL AND p.Text1 !='')


The quantity of duplicates does not match the number of herbaria listed in the 'MEL duplicates at' field



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
JOIN preptype pt ON p.PrepTypeID=pt.PrepTypeID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND LENGTH(p.Text1) - LENGTH(REPLACE(p.Text1, ',', '')) !=p.CountAmt-1


One (or more) of the preparations in this record has something in the storage number field that should not be there



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PrepTypeID IN (1,3,4,8,10,12,13,15,16,17,24)
  AND !(p.SampleNumber IS NULL OR p.SampleNumber='')


One (or more) of the preparations in these records is missing a storage number



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PrepTypeID NOT IN (1,3,4,5,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,24)
  AND (p.SampleNumber IS NULL OR p.SampleNumber='')


The jar size has not been entered for these spirit preparations



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
JOIN preptype pt ON pt.PrepTypeID=p.PrepTypeID AND pt.Name='Spirit'
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.Integer1 IS NULL


The quantity is invalid for the preparation type



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ((p.CountAmt>1 AND p.PrepTypeID IN (1,3,4,8,10,12,13,14)) OR (p.CountAmt IS NULL )
  OR (p.PrepTypeID !=7 AND p.CountAmt=0))


There are too many primary preparations (Sheet, Spirit etc.) in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
  AND p.PrepTypeID IN (1,2,3,4,8,10,12,13)
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID


These records do not have a primary preparation (Sheet, Spirit etc.)



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
  AND p.PrepTypeID IN (1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,13)
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID


The records do not have the storage set



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
  AND p.PrepTypeID IN (1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,13,156)
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4

This test overlaps with (or fully includes actually) the NoPrimaryPreparation test. We might want to change that?


Multiple Duplicate preparations



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PrepTypeID=15
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID
HAVING count(*)>1


Multiple Seed duplicate preparations



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=294912
AND p.PrepTypeID=16
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID
HAVING count(*)>1

Collecting Event issues


Collectors have been entered, but 'Collector Unknown' box has been ticked



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN collectingeventattribute cea
  ON ce.CollectingEventAttributeID=cea.CollectingEventAttributeID
JOIN collector c ON ce.CollectingEventID=c.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID - 4
AND cea.YesNo3=true


Verbatim collectors have been entered, but 'Collector Inferred' box has been ticked



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN collectingeventattribute cea
  ON ce.CollectingEventAttributeID=cea.CollectingEventAttributeID
JOIN collector c ON ce.CollectingEventID=c.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cea.YesNo2=true


There are no primary collectors for these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
JOIN collector c ON ce.CollectingEventID=c.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID
HAVING SUM(c.IsPrimary)=0


There are no collectors for these records and the verbatim collector, collector unknown and collector illegible fields are empty



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collector col ON ce.CollectingEventID=col.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collectingeventattribute cea
  ON ce.CollectingEventAttributeID=cea.CollectingEventAttributeID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND col.CollectingEventID IS NULL AND (cea.Text1 IS NULL OR cea.Text1='')
AND (cea.YesNo3 IS NULL OR cea.YesNo3=0) AND (cea.YesNo4 IS NULL OR cea.YesNo4=0)


A group agent has been entered as a collector



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collection coll ON co.CollectionID=coll.CollectionID
  AND coll.CollectionID=4
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collector col ON ce.CollectingEventID=col.CollectingEventID
JOIN agent aaa ON col.AgentID=aaa.AgentID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND aaa.AgentType=3


Do you remember what date you collected these records?



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
JOIN collector col ON col.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
  AND col.IsPrimary=1
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ce.StartDate IS NULL AND col.AgentID=co.CreatedByAgentID


There is an end date, but no start date for these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ce.StartDate IS NULL AND ce.EndDate IS NOT NULL


An incorrect agent name has been entered as a collector



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN collector col ON ce.CollectingEventID=col.CollectingEventID
JOIN agent a ON col.AgentID=a.AgentID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND a.FirstName LIKE '%[%'


The primary collector is not listed first



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collector col ON ce.CollectingEventID=col.CollectingEventID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND col.OrderNumber=0 AND col.IsPrimary=false


The following records are missing Cultivated Source



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collectingeventattribute cea
  ON ce.CollectingEventAttributeID=cea.CollectingEventAttributeID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cea.Text13 IS NOT NULL AND (cea.Text14 IS NULL OR cea.Text14='')


The following records are missing Introduced Source



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN collectingeventattribute cea
  ON ce.CollectingEventAttributeID=cea.CollectingEventAttributeID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cea.Text11 IS NOT NULL AND cea.Text12 IS NULL

Location issues


The datum has not been entered for these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
JOIN collector col ON col.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
  AND col.IsPrimary=1
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND (l.Latitude1 IS NOT NULL OR Longitude1 IS NOT NULL) AND l.Datum IS NULL
AND co.CreatedByAgentID=col.AgentID


The altitude unit is missing in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID=l.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND (l.MinElevation IS NOT NULL OR l.MaxElevation IS NOT NULL) AND l.Text1 IS NULL


The altitude is too high for the state or territory



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID=l.LocalityID
JOIN geography g ON l.GeographyID=g.GeographyID AND RankID=300
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ((g.Name='Victoria' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>2010 OR l.maxElevation>2010)) OR
	(g.Name='Victoria' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>6600 OR l.maxElevation>6600)) OR
	(g.Name='Western Australia' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>1280 OR l.maxElevation>1280)) OR
	(g.Name='Western Australia' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>4200 OR l.maxElevation>4200)) OR
	(g.Name='Northern Territory' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>1560 OR l.maxElevation>1560)) OR
	(g.Name='Northern Territory' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>5100 OR l.maxElevation>5100)) OR
	(g.Name='South Australia' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>1460 OR l.maxElevation>1460)) OR
	(g.Name='South Australia' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>4800 OR l.maxElevation>4800)) OR
	(g.Name='Queensland' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>1650 OR l.maxElevation>1650)) OR
	(g.Name='Queensland' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>5400 OR l.maxElevation>5400)) OR
	(g.Name='New South Wales' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>2250 OR l.maxElevation>2250)) OR
	(g.Name='New South Wales' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>7400 OR l.maxElevation>7400)) OR
	(g.Name='Australian Capital Territory' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>2015 OR l.maxElevation>2015)) OR
	(g.Name='Australian Capital Territory' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>6300 OR l.maxElevation>6300)) OR
	(g.Name='Tasmania' AND l.Text1='m' AND (l.MinElevation>1640 OR l.maxElevation>1640)) OR
	(g.Name='Tasmania' AND l.Text1='ft' AND (l.MinElevation>5350 OR l.maxElevation>5350)))


The locality is missing in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND ce.LocalityID IS NULL


These records are missing geocode source and/or geocode precision



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
LEFT JOIN geocoorddetail gc ON l.LocalityID=gc.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND Latitude1 IS NOT NULL AND ((l.Text2 IS NULL AND gc.AgentID IS NULL)
  OR (l.OriginalElevationUnit IS NULL AND gc.GeoRefAccuracy IS NULL
    AND gc.MaxUncertaintyEst IS NULL))


'No details given' should only be entered in the Locality Name field if there is no geography information either; otherwise the country etc. should be entered



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN collectingevent ce ON co.CollectingEventID=ce.CollectingEventID
JOIN locality l ON ce.LocalityID=l.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND l.LocalityName IN('[No details given.]', '[No details given].',
  '[No details given]', 'No details given.', 'No details given')
AND l.GeographyID>1


These collections might be a bit too old for the geocode source to be GPS



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND l.LatLongMethod=4 AND ce.StartDate<'1980-01-01'


The geography is missing in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND l.GeographyID IS NULL


'Cultivated' should not be entered in the geography field



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectingevent ce ON ce.CollectingEventID=co.CollectingEventID
LEFT JOIN locality l ON l.LocalityID=ce.LocalityID
WHERE co.CollectionID=4
  AND l.GeographyID=31752

Determination issues


These records don't have any determinations



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND d.DeterminationID IS NULL


'Stored under this name' is flagged, but the Det. type is not 'Type status'



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND d.FeatureOrBasis !='Type status' AND d.YesNo1=1


These records have determinations that are missing taxon names



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND d.TaxonID IS NULL AND d.AlternateName IS NULL


The type det. is flagged as the current det. in these records



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND d.FeatureOrBasis='Type status' AND d.IsCurrent=1


Current det. for type is INDET



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination ty ON co.CollectionObjectID=ty.CollectionObjectID AND ty.YesNo1=1
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID AND d.IsCurrent=1
JOIN taxon t ON d.TaxonID=t.TaxonID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND t.RankID<220


The current determination has something in the 'Alternative name' field



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID AND d.IsCurrent=1
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND d.AlternateName IS NOT NULL AND d.AlternateName !=''


These records are types, but some or all of the protologue details are missing



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
  AND d.FeatureOrBasis='Type status'
JOIN taxon t ON d.TaxonID=t.TaxonID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND t.CommonName IS NULL AND NcbiTaxonNumber IS NULL


'Stored under this name' is flagged in more than one determination



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN determination d ON co.CollectionObjectID=d.CollectionObjectID
  AND d.YesNo1=1
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
GROUP BY co.CollectionObjectID
HAVING count(*)>1

Conserv. Description/Event issues


There is something in Treated By but nothing in Curation Sponsor



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
LEFT JOIN collectionobjectattribute coa
  ON co.CollectionObjectAttributeID=coa.CollectionObjectAttributeID
JOIN conservdescription cond ON cond.CollectionObjectID=co.CollectionObjectID
JOIN conservevent cone ON cond.ConservDescriptionID=cone.ConservDescriptionID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cone.TreatedByAgentID IS NOT NULL AND coa.Text4 IS NULL


There is something in Treated By but nothing in Treatment Completed or Treatment Report



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN conservdescription cond ON co.CollectionObjectID=cond.CollectionObjectID
JOIN conservevent cone ON cond.ConservDescriptionID=cone.ConservDescriptionID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cone.TreatedByAgentID IS NOT NULL
  AND (cone.TreatmentCompDate IS NULL AND cone.TreatmentReport IS NULL)


There is something in Severity of Cause of Damage, but nothing in Assessed By



SELECT co.CollectionObjectID
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN conservdescription cond ON co.CollectionObjectID=cond.CollectionObjectID
JOIN conservevent cone ON cond.ConservDescriptionID=cone.ConservDescriptionID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND cone.CuratorID IS NULL
  AND (cone.AdvTestingExamResults IS NOT NULL OR cone.ConditionReport IS NOT NULL)

Agent issues


These group agents have not had any individuals added to the group, or have not been given a last name


FROM agent a
LEFT JOIN groupperson gp ON a.AgentID=gp.GroupID
WHERE a.AgentType=3 AND gp.GroupPersonID IS NULL


The part is missing from the multisheet message in these records




SELECT co.CollectionObjectID, p.Remarks
FROM collectionobject co
JOIN preparation p ON co.CollectionObjectID=p.CollectionObjectID
WHERE co.CollectionMemberID=4
AND p.PrepTypeID !=18
AND p.Remarks IS NOT NULL AND p.Remarks !=''

Query finds all collection object records with a multi-sheet string in the preparation. The MEL numbers can be extracted from the multi-sheet string with the regular expression /(MEL ?\d{1,7})([[:alpha:]]?)/g and then one can check whether the part is there.


These group agents have not had any individuals added to the group [sic]


FROM agent a
LEFT JOIN groupperson gp ON a.AgentID=gp.GroupID


This appears to be a group agent, but has been entered as a person agent


FROM agent a
WHERE a.LastName LIKE '%;%' AND a.AgentType=1

Taxon issues


The following taxon has been added as a subgenus; check that it should not be a species


FROM taxon t
WHERE t.RankID=190


The following taxon names are missing the author


FROM taxon t
WHERE  t.RankID>180
AND t.Name NOT LIKE '%sp.%' AND t.NcbiTaxonNumber IS NULL AND IsHybrid IS NULL
AND t.Author IS NULL

This query does not give the intended results and should probably be split up.

Autonyms with authors:

SELECT FullName, Author
FROM taxon
WHERE RankID>220 AND Name=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(FullName, ' ', 2), ' ', -1)
Last Updated: 8/7/2021, 2:55:18 PM